ReSharper Platform SDK Help

Add a Navigation Action to the 'Navigate to' Menu

What you should know beforehand:

Examples (?):

If you want your navigation to appear in ReSharper's Navigate To menu (context navigation), you should create an action that implements the INavigateFromeHereProvider interface.


For example, let's create a context-dependent navigation that navigates to a class constructor. The initial caret position can be anywhere inside that class.

[ContextNavigationProvider] public class NavigateToCtorProvider : INavigateFromHereProvider { public IEnumerable<ContextNavigation> CreateWorkflow(IDataContext dataContext) { var node = dataContext.GetSelectedTreeNode<ITreeNode>(); var typeDeclaration = node?.GetParentOfType<IClassDeclaration>(); var constructor = typeDeclaration?.ConstructorDeclarations.FirstNotNull(); if (constructor != null) { yield return new ContextNavigation("Constructor", null, NavigationActionGroup.Other, () => { constructor.NavigateToTreeNode(true); }); } } }


  • The class must implement the INavigateFromHereProvider interface and be marked with the ContextNavigationProvider attribute.

  • GetSelectedTreeNode<ITreeNode>() method of IDataContext return the tree node under the current caret position.

  • We use the GetParentOfType method from Use Manual Navigation to obtain the IClassDeclaration node.

  • The IClassDeclaration class provides the ConstructorDeclarations property that returns an enumerable with class constructors.

  • A created instance of the ContextNavigation class describes the navigation feature:

    • "Constructor": the name of the item that appears in the Navigate to context menu.

    • null: action ID.

    • NavigationGroup.Other: defines the location in the Navigate to menu where the action should be placed.

    • The last one argument is the action that is run once the Constructor item is selected in the Navigate to menu.

  • Note that ReSharper automatically decides whether to display the item in the menu or not.

Last modified: 20 April 2023