PyCharm 2024.2 Help

Subversion Working Copies Information tab

Use this tab to configure the format of your working copies.

The tab displays a list of all detected directories under Subversion control supplied with information on the formats used.




Click this button to get the information on all the detected Subversion working copies up to date.

Root Path

This read-only field shows the full path to the directory.


This read-only field shows the URL address of the remote directory the selected local copy is mapped to.


This read-only field shows the actual Subversion format used in the selected directory.


Click this link to open the Convert Working Copy Format dialog, where you can select the desired format option.


This read-only field shows the range of recursion into subdirectories specified in the Update dialog.

Working Copy Root

This read-only field is displayed only if the directory in question is the root of a working copy.

Configure Branches

Click this link to open the Configure Subversion Branches dialog, where you can view and update the list of branches to work with.

Merge from

Click this link to open the Select Branch popup and appoint the source of changes to merge to the current directory.

Last modified: 11 February 2024