PhpStorm 2024.2 Help

Rules Alias Definitions dialog

You can group several arrangement rules into an alias and refer to it when you add a matching rule on the Arrangement tab in Code Style. PHP.

Matching rules alias example

For more information, refer to Rearrange code.



<alias name>

Use this area to add a new alias definition, check the existing one or remove the ones you do not need. You can use the following commands respectively:

  • the Add button: adds a new alias.

  • the Remove button: removes an existing alias from the list.

  • the Duplicate button: copies a specified rule sequence to the created alias.

Rules alias definitions

Use this area to define the rule sequence for the created alias.

Rules Alias Definitions

You can also add a new rule, edit and remove the existing ones, and move them up or down. For more information about the rules, refer to Code Style. PHP.

Last modified: 01 March 2024