MPS 2024.1 Help

SModel language Queries References

Accessing references

Following operation were created co access reference instance representing a reference from source node to target one. Operations are applicable on source node:

  • reference< > - returns an instance of reference type representing specified reference. This operation requires "linkQualifier" parameter used as reference specification. Parameter can be either link declaration of source node's concept or an expression returning node<LinkDeclaration> as a result.

    reference ref = routineCall.reference<definition>;

    reference ref = routineCall.reference<# link/RoutineCall : definition/>;

  • references - returns sequence<reference> representing all references specified in source node.

Working with

Having an instance of reference type you can call the following operations on it:

  • linkDeclaration - returns node<LinkDeclaration> representing this reference

  • resolveInfo - returns string resolve info object

  • role - returns reference role - similar to reference.linkDeclaration.role;

  • target - returns node<> representing reference target is it was specified and located in model(s)

Last modified: 08 April 2024