Hub 2024.3 Help

Register a Service Provider

When you configured Hub as the SAML IdP for your service, the final step to enable the authorization with SAML is to register your service as the service provider in Hub.

To register your service as the service provider in Hub:

  1. In the Access Management section of the Administration menu, select SAML 2.0.

  2. Select the Registered Service Providers tab.

  3. Click the Register Service Provider button.

  4. Enter parameters of the service as the SAML service provider.

Parameters of a Service Provider

You need to specify the following parameters of your service:




The name of the Service Provider to be displayed in Hub.


Optional description of the service.

SP Entity ID

The entity_id of your service as the SAML Service Provider.


The Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL of the service. When Hub is set as the IdP, it posts the SAML login response to this URL.

Login attribute

A name for the login attribute of a user account. In your SAML service provider, specify the same name for the corresponding attribute.

Full name attribute

A name for the attribute to retrieve the full name for a user account. In your SAML service provider, specify the same name for the corresponding attribute.

Email attribute

A name for the attribute to retrieve the email for a user account. In your SAML service provider, specify the same name for the corresponding attribute.

Groups attribute

A name for the attribute to retrieve the group memberships for a user account. In your SAML service provider, specify the same name for the corresponding attribute.

Send logout response

This option determines whether Hub sends a LogoutResponse to the service provider. By default, the option is disabled. For the sample configurations in our documentation, we specify the required state of the option for each particular service provider.

Last modified: 09 November 2023