Hub 2024.3 Help

System Settings

The System Settings page lets you manage server-wide settings for JetBrains Hub.

To access this page, select System Settings in the Server Settings section of the Administration menu.

Hub system settings



System language

Sets the server-wide system language that is displayed in the Hub. The Hub user interface is available in English (default), French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian.

Additional languages that are supported by the YouTrack user community are also available. These languages are marked with a community label in the list. For more information, see Community-based Language Support.

Read-only mode

Puts the Hub database in read-only mode. In read-only mode, Hub continues to provide access for users in connected services, but does not accept changes. If you're experiencing problems with Hub, you can activate read-only mode while you investigate and isolate the issue.

Company logo

Sets the image that is displayed on the Hub login page.

Anonymization scheme

Determines how personal data is transformed when anonymizing a user account.

  • With the Hashed option, user data is pseudonymized by replacing it with SHA-256 hashes. While the pseudonymized data is no longer stored in a human-readable state, it is still possible to link the hashes with the original values. When you use this option, consider disclosing this information to users when you present them with a user agreement in Hub or publish legal documents that describe how you manage personal data.

  • With the Randomized option, personal data is replaced with random values. This anonymization irreversibly destroys any way of identifying the data subject. The randomized data cannot be reverted to a readable state.

Logging event categories

Enables logging for specific event categories. The setting supports DEBUG and TRACE logging levels. Use this setting to troubleshoot problems with your Hub installation without having to restart the service.

The event categories that provide the most valuable information vary from one installation to another. The Hub support team provides the categories that are most appropriate for your installation in response to a specific support request.

  • To enable DEBUG level logging, add an event category name.

  • To enable TRACE level logging, append the event category name with :trace.

Experimental Features

Opens the Experimental Features page. On this page, you can manage which experimental features are enabled in your Hub installation. For more information, see Experimental Features.


Links to a list of audit events related to changes that have been applied to the settings on this page.

Last modified: 09 November 2023