DataSpell 2024.2 Help

Create Test Dialog

Navigate | Test - Create New Test


Use this dialog to generate a test class for a class or method, if such test doesn't yet exist.



Target directory

Click the browse button the Browse button to open the directory chooser dialog, and select the target directory, where the desired test file will be generated.

Test file name

In this text field, specify the name of a file where test class will be generated, or accept the default name.

Test class name

In this text field, specify the name of the test class, or accept the default name.

Test method

This list shows all methods of a class in question (if the dialog has been invoked from the class declaration), or the name of the only method (if the dialog has been invoked from within this method).

Select the checkbox next to the method names to include these test methods in the generated test class.

Last modified: 28 June 2024