Datalore 2024.4 Help

Supported database types

Below is the list of natively supported database types in Datalore.

  • Amazon Aurora MySQL

  • Amazon Redshift

  • Apache Derby (Embedded)

  • Apache Derby (Remote)

  • Apache Hive

  • Apache Phoenix

  • Apache Phoenix Thin

  • Apache Spark

  • Athena

  • Azure SQL Database

  • ClickHouse

  • CockroachDB

  • Elasticsearch

  • Exasol

  • Firebird

  • Google Cloud Spanner

  • Greenplum

  • H2

  • IBM Db2

  • IBM Db2 (JTOpen)

  • IBM Db2 for 9.X, 10.X

  • Informix

  • InterSystems IRIS

  • MariaDB

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • Oracle for 9.X, 10.X, 11.1

  • OpenEdge

  • PostgreSQL

  • Presto

  • SQLLite

  • SAP Hana

  • SingleStore

  • Snowflake

  • Sybase

  • Sybase (jTds)

  • Tarantool

  • Teradata

  • Tibero

  • Trino

  • Vertica


supported databases, database types, native databases

Last modified: 29 April 2024