Smart Keys settings: SQL
File | Settings | Editor | General | Smart Keys | SQL for Windows and Linux
CLion | Settings | Editor | General | Smart Keys | SQL for macOS
Use this settings page to configure typing assistance features in SQL.
For more information about SQL support in CLion, refer to Database Tools and SQL.
Item | Description |
Insert string concatenation on Enter | You may want to turn this option off, if the DBMS you are working with supports multiline string literals: Say, there is the following fragment for PostgreSQL
and the caret is in front of the word If the option is on, and you press , the fragment will change to:
Otherwise, the fragment will change to:
Close code blocks on Enter | When you start a code block with an opening keyword (BEGIN, LOOP, BEGIN TRY, and others) and press , the code block closes with the corresponding closing keywords (END, END LOOP, END TRY, and others). ![]() Gif |
Qualify object on code completion | The selected option defines how the name of an object is inserted in the editor when using the code completion suggestion box.