CLion 2024.2 Help

CMake tool window

In this tool window, you can explore CMake output messages, errors and warnings. The tab caption corresponds to the built type specified in CMake settings.

CMake tool window


Tooltip and shortcut


Reload CMake Project

Click this button to reload the CMake project.

Stop CMake Project Reload

Click this button to cancel the process of CMake project reload. The button is grayed-out when there is no active reload running.

Open CMakeCache file

Click this button to open the CMakeCache.txt file in the editor.

Click this button to expand the drop down menu:

CMake Settings

Select this option to open the CMake Settings dialog.

Change Project Root

Select this option to change the project root directory

Show Generated Files in Finder

Select this option to locate the generated files in your OS file system viewer (e.g. Explorer for Windows or Finder for macOS).

Disable This Profile

Disables the current CMake profile.

Reset Cache and Reload Project

Click this button to reset the CMake cache and reload a project.


Click this button to navigate to the previous error or warning.


Click this button to navigate to the next error or warning.

Use Soft Wraps

Click this button to turn the soft wrap mode for the output on or off.

Scroll to the end

Click this button to go to the last error or warning.


Click this button to print the output.

Clear All

Click this button to clear all the messages.

Last modified: 26 May 2024