
Learning resources for Java
and related technologies.


Latest tips

Download a JDK
Download a JDK
Download or associate a JDK with your project
Generate constructors and accessor methods
Generate constructors and accessor methods
Quickly generate common code constructs such as Constructors, Getters and Setters
Generate a UML diagram
Generate a UML diagram
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate allows you to generate UML diagrams.
Running and Stopping a Process
Running and Stopping a Process
How to run and terminate/stop a process

JetBrains tools like IntelliJ IDEA are powerful developer productivity tools. What is the best way to learn how to harness that power?

You can find useful information on our Twitter page, or our product blog. Or videos on our YouTube channel. Plus, the documentation is always there to help.

We have also created the IntelliJ IDEA Guide, a collection of bite-sized visual resources, organized to help spark your learning. We hope it helps you get into the flow and excel at what you do.

Sharing feedback and contributing

The IntelliJ IDEA Guide is also an open project, with a repository in GitHub that hosts all the content. We write all the content in Markdown and render a static site. If you'd like to contribute to it, please refer to the README for more information.

Latest tutorials

Tips for Reading Code
Tips for Reading Code
Tips to help you read and understand code in IntelliJ IDEA
Explore project structure with the Dependency Matrix
Explore project structure with the Dependency Matrix
Exploring project structure with the Dependency Matrix in IntelliJ IDEA
Import project
Import project
Importing a project into IntelliJ IDEA
GitLab Merge Requests
GitLab Merge Requests
Working with GitLab Merge Requests

Recent playlists

Java 17
Java 17
Get up to speed on Java 17 with our top tips.
Top Shortcuts
Top Shortcuts
Our handpicked top shortcuts
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1
Tips to get you productive with the new or improved features in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1
Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA
Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA
Tips for getting started with IntelliJ IDEA