

Main language for writing code in .NET.

C# is the main language for writing code in .NET.

.NET Collections and Data Structures


.NET Collections and Data Structures
Learn how to apply the right collection for the task at hand.
Convert JSON to classes or records


Convert JSON to classes or records
Turn any JSON data you have into a class or record
JetBrains .NET Days Online 2024


JetBrains .NET Days Online 2024
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2024.
Params collection in C#


Params collection in C#
Use the params collection in C# so methods can accept a dynamic number of parameters.
Generate documentation with AI


Generate documentation with AI
AI can help you make XML documentation both automatic and useful.
File-scoped namespaces and types


File-scoped namespaces and types
Organize code better and reduce bugs by using file-scoped namespaces and objects.
C# Top-level statements


C# Top-level statements
Use top-level statements in C# to reduce boilerplate code.
Global usings


Global usings
Organize `using` statements so they're out of your way.
JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023


JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023.
Use collection initializers


Use collection initializers
Update and initialize items in old collection declarations.
Rename refactoring


Rename refactoring
Would a variable by any other name read as clearly?
Extract method refactoring


Extract method refactoring
Split and Organize code into DRY, discrete units.
Inline method refactoring


Inline method refactoring
Replace usages of a function with its implementation.
Solution-Wide Analysis


Solution-Wide Analysis
Find and resolve code issues in your projects.
Fixing Warnings and Errors

Part of tutorial

Fixing Warnings and Errors
Automatically resolve inspections using quick fixes.
What is Solution-Wide Analysis?

Part of tutorial

What is Solution-Wide Analysis?
An introduction to Solution-Wide Analysis in ReSharper and Rider.
Exploring Code Analysis Results

Part of tutorial

Exploring Code Analysis Results
Find code quality issues that matter and need your attention.
Blazor Essentials


Blazor Essentials
Learn how to build a basic application with Blazor.
Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?


Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?
ReSharper and Rider help you learn existing and new features of .NET!
C# 11 - Required Keyword


C# 11 - Required Keyword
Introducing the required keyword for fields and properties.
JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022


JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022.
Debugging For ReSharper Users

Part of tutorial

Debugging For ReSharper Users
Learn the basics of the Rider debugger from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Getting Started

Part of tutorial

Getting Started
Learn to create and run your first solution in Rider.
NuGet Package Management

Part of tutorial

NuGet Package Management
Learn the basics of the Rider's NuGet Tool Window from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Learn the basics of the Rider plugin marketplace from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Unit Testing For ReSharper Users

Part of tutorial

Unit Testing For ReSharper Users
Learn the basics of the unit testing in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Working With Databases

Part of tutorial

Working With Databases
Effectively working with databases in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Working With IIS and IIS Express

Part of tutorial

Working With IIS and IIS Express
Effectively working with ASP.NET Core and IIS in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.
Additional Tools

Part of tutorial

Additional Tools
There's more in ReSharper! Architecture diagrams, localization manager, build tools and more.
Inspections and Quick-Fixes in ReSharper

Part of tutorial

Inspections and Quick-Fixes in ReSharper
Helping you write better code, faster, and automatically fixes code issues.
Debugging Applications with ReSharper

Part of tutorial

Debugging Applications with ReSharper
What is your code doing? Identify problematic code, and run code step-by-step with the debugger.

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the ReSharper Essentials series.
Refactoring Code with ReSharper

Part of tutorial

Refactoring Code with ReSharper
How to safely refactor code, without breaking the build? Let's have a look.
Navigating Code with ReSharper

Part of tutorial

Navigating Code with ReSharper
Let's look at some fast and easy ways to navigate around a code base.
Code Formatting

Part of tutorial

Code Formatting
Format and reformat code for consistency in your solution.
Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion
Let's dive into the most important productivity shortcuts, editing, and code completion.
Writing and Running Unit Tests with ReSharper

Part of tutorial

Writing and Running Unit Tests with ReSharper
Run, debug and profile tests, do continuous testing, and inspect code coverage.
Comparing Rider's Toolbar with Visual Studio

Part of tutorial

Comparing Rider's Toolbar with Visual Studio
Learn how Rider's toolbar UI compares with the toolbar found in Visual Studio.
.NET Localization


.NET Localization
Localization and the art of reaching more users.
Cloud (Azure) in Rider

Part of tutorial

Cloud (Azure) in Rider
Using the Azure plugin in Rider, and working with Azure Functions.
Inspections and Quick-Fixes in Rider

Part of tutorial

Inspections and Quick-Fixes in Rider
Dive into inspections and quick-fixes, nullability inspections, the Heap Allocations Viewer plugin, and more!
Navigation in a code base with Rider

Part of tutorial

Navigation in a code base with Rider
How to navigate around a code base? Let's look at some easy ways of doing so.

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the Rider Essentials series.
Debugging code with Rider

Part of tutorial

Debugging code with Rider
Examine the runtime behavior of your application, identify problematic code, run through code step by step.
Customize the Look and Feel of Rider

Part of tutorial

Customize the Look and Feel of Rider
Customize the look and feel of Rider, and make the editor work the way you want.
Refactoring code in Rider

Part of tutorial

Refactoring code in Rider
Learn how to safely refactor code, without breaking the build.
NuGet Tool Window in Rider

Part of tutorial

NuGet Tool Window in Rider
Working with NuGet, including search with typos, CamelHumps, Update All, and more!
Shortcuts, Editing, and Completion in Rider

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, Editing, and Completion in Rider
Where to start? Let's learn the two most important shortcuts, editing, and code completion.
Unit Testing with Rider

Part of tutorial

Unit Testing with Rider
Learn how Rider can help make sure code behaves as expected, with continuous testing and code coverage.
Version Control in Rider

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Version Control in Rider
Working with Git, commit code, rebase and switch branches. Let's explore version control (VCS)!
Conclusion - Profiling in Rider

Part of tutorial

Conclusion - Profiling in Rider
What have we learned? Profiling, profiler modes, optimizing code, DPA, and more. Let's summarize!
Dynamic Program Analysis (DPA)

Part of tutorial

Dynamic Program Analysis (DPA)
Rider automatically analyzes memory of your applications, all the time!
Introduction to Profiling in Rider

Part of tutorial

Introduction to Profiling in Rider
Let's run a first profiling session on a Sudoku solver sample application.
Optimize Performance with Rider

Part of tutorial

Optimize Performance with Rider
Let's try to optimize the Sudoku solver by profiling, and then optimizing code based on the performance snapshot.
Profiling Modes

Part of tutorial

Profiling Modes
What are the differences between Sampling, Tracing, Line-by-Line, and Timeline profiling?
The Basics Series


The Basics Series
A set of short basic walkthroughs of different .NET technologies.