
CodeCanvas is a cloud development environment (CDE) solution that speeds up your development, brought to you by the IDE professionals at JetBrains. Enjoy ready-to-use and cost-efficient development environments with your favorite IDEs within your own infrastructure.

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Transform how your development team works

Start coding immediately

Connect to fully prepared remote environments within seconds. Spin up a new development environment directly from any branch or merge request with ease, and simply discard it once your work is finished.

Secure your code

No more source code on developers’ laptops. Transition to the safest and most secure way to develop software.

Standardize all environments

Specify tools that should be preinstalled on a development environment, the IDE configuration, and the required computing resources. Everything is stored in templates, standardizing the development environment for a project or entire organization. Developers can utilize the same tools, libraries, and dependencies effortlessly, regardless of their operating system.

Easily manage development environments in one place

All configurations and specific development environments are tracked and managed in one place. Define who has permission to use and manage dev environments for your project, install updates, and change available resources, networks, and tools in a centralized way.

Onboard your newcomers in seconds

Forget about 30-item “Getting the project started” readme files. Now, onboarding is as easy as launching a preconfigured development environment.

Use powerful machines for large codebases

Utilize the unlimited power of cloud resources to make the development of large projects easier and more efficient.

Why choose CodeCanvas?

  • Fully prepared, ready-to-go environments

    Developers often lose time on routine tasks like setting up environments, cloning code, and configuring projects. These processes can take up hours each week. CodeCanvas cuts this time down to seconds, allowing developers to focus on work that drives business value.

  • Enhanced security

    CodeCanvas reduces data breach risks and non-compliance fines by storing source code in cloud environments and centralizing tool version management. As a self-hosted solution, it also offers enhanced control over security and compliance.

  • Cost optimization

    CodeCanvas smartly analyzes the usage of resources and helps reduce hardware costs compared to solutions based on VDI and/or static virtual machines. It also saves development resources compared to in-house developed solutions.

  • Customizable resources

    CodeCanvas allows developers to easily set up and use powerful resources, such as GPUs, directly within CDEs, avoiding dependency on personal laptop resources.

  • The best JetBrains IDE integration

    Native integration with JetBrains IDEs including indices, plugins, and settings.

  • Secure connection of your choice

    By default, CodeCanvas uses a secure web socket connection. If needed, you can also set up an SSH connection to a remote environment.

Integration with existing infrastructure

Your favorite IDEs and more

Authentication Provider

Cloud Provider

Git Hosting


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