Step-by-step tutorials, helpful hints from product experts, and useful videos designed to help you get the most out of CLion.
New to CLion? Take a quick onboarding training!
Learn how to get the most out of your modern IDE, and become acquainted with its tools and basic workflows.
Check the system requirements and find out how to set up a development environment.
Learn how to create and run your first project, and discover the main product capabilities.
Follow the instructions in this tutorial to easily configure toolchains and debuggers on Windows.
Find out how to create and develop a CMake project in CLion.
Discover how to configure and switch compilers in the IDE.
Find out how to run, debug, and test your application in CLion.
Learn how to configure CLion for various hardware types and toolchains, and how to debug on chip.
See how to configure a remote project in CLion using remote debug, WSL, or full remote development mode.
Learn how to share Git repositories from your projects, commit and push changes, and create and merge branches.
Follow this tutorial to configure Qt projects in CLion.
Ctrl + Shift + A
Alt + Insert
Double Shift
Alt + Enter
Alt + F7
Ctrl + Shift + A
Alt + Enter
Alt + Insert
Alt + F7
Double Shift
Pick up the right tool for C and C++ development depending on your preferred toolchains and other requirements
Cross-platform IDE for C and C++ developers
Visual Studio extension for C++ developers
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